Joanne Corbett
Joanne Corbett

About Joanne Corbett
Joanne Corbett MS. RD is founder of Wellbe, an inclusive Irish practice welcoming all bodies in a size-obsessed world. With 14 years experience in eating disorders and disordered eating, Joanne works with clients who want to untrap from chronic dieting and binge eating. Joanne utilises non-diet nutrition and intuitive eating counselling.
Joanne received her MSc in Nutrition and Dietetics from University of Ulster in 2004 and is also a Certified Mindfulness Teacher and Registered Yoga Instructor .
Joanne provides inperson (Cork) and online consultations.
Telephone: 089254539 or
Joanne Corbett performs Private Consultations and Corporate Consultations with Adult Women and Adult Men.
Consultations take place Online or In Person.
Joanne Corbett covers the county of
- Cork
Clinic Consultations, Referrals and Specialties
- Anaemia
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Coeliac disease & Dermatitis Herpetiformis
- Diverticular disease / diverticulitis
- Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating in adults
- Gout
- Healthy Eating and general nutrition
- Liver / gallbladder / pancreatic disease
- Malnutrition/Undernutrition
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Nutrition & Mental health
- Osteoporosis & Osteopenia
- Reflux / Hiatus Hernia / Oesophagitis/ Barrett’s Oesophagus
- Thyroid disorders
- Vegetarian & vegan diets