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INDI & IASLT collaboration creates Document for the Management of FEDs Difficulties in the Residential Care Setting


The Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI) in conjunction with the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT) have developed a consensus document for the Management of FEDs Difficulties in the Residential Care Setting.

The document is the culmination of months of research, discussion and debate within the working group and also with both professional bodies. To begin with, both organisations were aware of the need to define, describe and develop a best practice framework for the management of feeding, eating, drinking and swallowing (FEDs) in the residential care setting for Older Persons within the context of changing social, legislative and policy frameworks. This document was developed by an expert working group of members of the INDI and IASLT. The document will serve as a reference for dietitians, SLTs (speech and language therapists), the Health Service Executive (HSE), Nursing Homes, older persons with FEDs difficulties/Dysphagia, their families and other key stakeholders. 

The resulting document adheres to the highest standards of care in the management of residents with FEDs difficulties in the residential care setting commensurate with best practice.
According to Hilda Griffin, Senior Dietitian St Mary’s Park (Phoenix Park, Dublin 20), INDI Member and chair of the Working Group, “…In the residential care setting, access to SLT and Dietetic services for timely assessment and follow up of residents at risk or with FEDS difficulties is essential. Pathways and procedures must be developed locally to implement management guidelines for FEDSs. This document outlines a framework to support SLTs, dietitians and residential care providers identify and manage residents with dysphagia…”

Click the link below to access the full document

Management of FEDs