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Monthly Archive

January 2024

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find totaly 6 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
News for Public
Louise Reynolds

NEW Vitamin D Resources

The Department of Health, in association with Healthy Ireland and with support from FSAI, safefood and the INDI has launched new guidance on Vitamin D supplements. The resources include a flyer for read more..

David Henry

Stripe card update

Due to an issue with our new subscription system your card details were not stored for Monthly Payments. We are now asking affected members to update their card details.  Once updated, monthly paymen... read more..

David Henry

Stripe card update Partial Payments

Due to an issue with our new subscription system your card details were not stored. We are now asking affected members to update their card details.  Once updated, payments will resume as normal. Yo... read more..

David Henry

Importance of Meal Time routines

Promoting Healthy Eating Habits for Children The Importance of Mealtime Routines Promoting_Healthy_Eating_Habits_for_Children_-_The_Importance_of_Mealtime_routines.pdf... read more..

David Henry

Does my child need a vitamin or mineral supplement?"    Does my child need a vitamin and mineral supplement? Your Paediatric Dietitian may recommend giving your child a multivitamin ... read more..

David Henry

Understanding Eating through the lens of your child

Understanding the experience of eating through the lens of your child Eating is a very complex task. We use each of our 8 senses (sight, smell, sound, touch, taste, interoceptive, vestibular a... read more..

Results 1 - 6 of 6