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Diets Used in the Management of Adults with IBD: Factsheet 2

Category: Digestive Health
Digestive Health


Nutritional interventions have been shown to help the overall management of IBD by:

  • Maintaining good nutrition for optimal energy and weight

  • Helping to induce and maintain remission

  • Improving quality of life by managing symptoms, such as diarrhoea and cramps

    Most people are interested in how the food they eat affects their IBD, with many adjusting their diet to help with their condition. However, there is no one special or recommended diet for people with IBD. In fact, many popular diets do not have strong evidence to prove that they are effective or that they reduce inflammation of the gut lining1,2. The common theme between the available diets are variations of eating whole foods and limiting processed foods, which is why you may hear ‘eat a healthy balanced diet’ to manage your IBD!

    It’s important to know that what works for one person may not work for another. In general, you do not have to stick to any one diet and there is a likely going to be some trial and error to help you find the best diet for you. If you are interested in trying a specific diet, it is best to discuss your choices with your IBD team to reduce the risk of any side-effects and nutrition deficiencies.

    The following is a summary of the evidence base of the most popular diets used in IBD, which can help you make the best dietary decisions for you.

