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INDI Statement of Values 2024

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The Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI) is the nationally recognised independent professional association for over 900 registered dietitians/ dietetic students in Ireland. INDI restructured in 2013 to transition  from an organisation that was volunteer run to a more business structure. This provides oversight, governance and accountability via the INDI Board.  At that time, we took the decision to not accept sponsorship of any kind, including funds, from companies who manufacture commercial foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat. 

Regulated Profession

Dietetics became a regulated profession here in Ireland in 2014 and are Dietitians are the only profession regulated to give nutrition advice to patients and the public. To ensure that we maintain the high standards of ethical and professional conduct expected of registered dietitians, we in INDI have further limited commercial activities over the last decade.

Commercial Relationships

Since 2017 we only engage with companies who employ registered dietitians and registered nutritionists, and we operate under very strict criteria. Our current partners for 2024 are Abbott Nutrition, Fresenius Kabi, National Dairy Council, Nutricia Advanced Medical and safefood. This was a decision taken by the dietetic profession in Ireland who then supported INDI by paying higher membership fees to mitigate the shortfall of company sponsorship funds. The INDI have no investments or stocks/shares and no commercial relationships with any food companies.  

Conflict of Interest

In 2018 we updated our Code of Practice and we go further than the statutory regulators code and are more restrictive in terms of conflict of interest.  We clearly state that all information given to the public must be evidence based and that no dietitian should “endorse a product purely for reasons of personal or commercial benefit”.  Acceptance and observation of the provisions of the Code are a condition of membership of the INDI.

Trusted Source of Information

Our Code also stipulates that advice given by dietitians should be “balanced and unbiased.” INDI does not engage in promotion of branded products. Any advertising in our professional journal is compliant with the standards set by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 'Guidance for Foods governed under Regulation (EU) No 609/2013'. INDI employs a part-time registered dietitian who does not undertake any commercial work as a media spokesperson. This helps to ensure the integrity of and trust in the information coming from the profession.

We have worked hard in the INDI over the last decade to advocate for the recognition of dietitians as the experts in nutrition.  We have had success with numerous dietitians now volunteering on and contributing to national clinical programmes and health policy in Ireland and beyond.

Into the Future 

INDI looks forward to hosting The 20th International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics in Dublin in 2028. Our theme is Food, Integrity and Sustainability  and our conference partners will reflect  this theme and our organisational values. When ICND2024 concludes in Canada on 15th June 2024, we will launch our ICND2028 expression of interest website and further information on themes and details will be available.